Title: Little Things
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Young Avengers
Prompt: 30-A/16. Strawberries
Character/Pairing: Tommy Shepard
Rating: PG
Word Count: 240
Summary: It’s the little things that tell him.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
It’s the little things that let Tommy Shepard know that he’s really free. Once they’re sure Eli’s going to be okay (relatively speaking), the Avengers direct him to a bathroom, where he takes an Honest-To-God bath. With bubble stuff and everything.
In Juvie, he got fifteen minutes to shower, and it was always cold.
The shampoo Tommy uses smells like strawberries.
There was a time when he would have bitched about smelling girly, but he can live with smelling like fruit.
He takes his time with the bath. He’s in there until his fingers and toes are all wrinkled. When he finally does get out, there’s a tee-shirt and a pair of jeans waiting for him. Both are new. The shirt is for some band Tommy’s never heard of.
He blows up the uniform from Juvie, including the footwear. The carpet is nice, and Tommy wants to be barefoot for a while.
They let him veg out in front of the TV. He watched hockey with Wolverine for a while. Apparently, as long as he doesn’t cause too much trouble, the Avengers are going to leave him alone while they deal with more pressing matters.
It’s about then that it all sinks in.
He’s free.