Title: A Rose by Any Other Name
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: G
Summary: One of Jeff and Deanna’s offspring has decided to come to Earth to be a Super-Hero. Or maybe an actor. He hasn’t decided yet.
The youngest Skrull prince pulled his shades down over his eyes, flashing a dazzling smile at his uncle. “I’m thinking I’m gonna use Grandma’s last name while I’m here,” he said. “Not that I don’t love being an Altman-Kaplan and stuff, but I don’t want people to judge me based on who my family is. And it’s been so long since Grandma’s family’s been on Earth…”
Nate snorted. “You just want a change it so people will ask ask you if that’s your real name.”
“Not my fault Mom and Dad gave me a human name. Besides, the Granddads say it’s cute.”
“Just be careful out there, James. No starting an intergalactic war.”