Title: Rip van Winkle VIII
Fandom: X-Men, Marvel
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Teddy Altman, and a couple of OCs
Prompt: 58. Dinner
Word Count: 288
Rating: PG
Summary: His dinner’s ruined.
Author's Notes: I own nothing. Part of my That Damn Mpreg series. Thanks to
clayin, who provided the name.
Victor looked at the hamburger on the floor. It had looked like a good hamburger, and he’d been looking forward to eating it. Only now it was covered in carpet fibers. “Aiden…”
“…uh-huh.” Victor scooped up his ruined dinner and dumped it in the garbage. “I bet there’s a great story behind this.”
“AndIwillnevertellit.” Aiden said, almost too fast to be understood.
“You sure?” Victor asked.
“Never.” Aiden repeated firmly.
Victor rested his hands on his hips. “I’m going to find out what’s going on,” he said, “and you are going to get me a new dinner, got it? Something nice and expensive.”
“Her name’s Cera’al,” Ted explained. “She’s having some trouble at home, so Jeff thought she should stay with me for a little while.”
Victor watched the blue-skinned girl out of the corner of his eye as she unpacked. “Trouble as in possible intergalactic war?” he asked cautiously.
Ted shook his head. “Trouble with her powers. As in, she doesn’t have any.”
“Not even shape-shifting?”
“Not even a little bit. It’s kind of a sore subject with her.”
“Right. But I gotta know… what the hell happened to Aiden to make him so twitchy?”
“Besides the fact that he’s a speedster and someone keeps giving him coffee?” The half-Skrull shrugged. “Nobody knows. He went on a road trip with Jimmy, and came back bald. Neither of them will talk about it.”