Title: Nostalgia
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Victor Mancha/Molly Hayes
Prompt: 68. Nostalgic
Word Count: 124
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes, he misses it.
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg universe.
“Sometimes,” Victor Mancha said, “I miss when we were just a bunch of runaways.”
Molly gave her husband an inquisitive look as she picked up the ruined mini-quinjet Gert had asked him to take a look at. “Oh?”
Victor opened a side panel and inspected the wiring. “Things were a lot simpler in spite of… well, all the weird shit. Not that I miss being constantly on the run and stuff…”
“Yeah, I know.” Molly said.
“Remember the hats?” Victor asked with a grin.
“Like any of you will ever let me forget them?”