Title: Building a House part 14: Deconstruction
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: All sorts of familiar faces, only a little different.
Prompt: 1. OTP
Word Count: 760
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: It’s just this and the Epilogue.
"No," Wanda said. "Absolutely not. You are not selling my son for the same of some treaty."
Her father and brother exchanged the briefest of glances before Pietro spoke. "Wanda, this is too important to allow personal feelings into it. The Skrulls are a valuable ally."
"You wouldn’t say that if it was Luna," Wanda spat.
"And you wouldn’t be acting this way if it was Thomas," Pietro snapped back. "But it’s not Thomas, and it’s not Luna. It’s William, and he-" The prince paused, trying to put his thoughts into words
"Is old enough to make his own decisions?" Lorna suggested, breaking her usual silence at these family meetings. All three Lehnsherrs turned their eyes to her. "Remember the hissy fit he threw last time he wasn’t consulted? He’s a reality warper, for God’s sake. If he decides one way or another, there’s exactly f.a. we can actually do to stop him." She looked at Wanda, offering her sister a weary smile. "He’s your son."
"I will not be lectured about what to do with William by any of you," Wanda said stiffly before sweeping out of the room.
"That was hardly diplomatic, Lorna," Erik said darkly.
"Diplomacy isn’t working."
William lay on his back and stared up at the night sky. It was a beautiful, clear night, with only a sliver of moon hanging in the black. The tiles of the roof were cool against his back, and a soft breeze blew in from Hammer Bay.
Dorrek lay beside him, hands clasped behind his head. He turned to look at William, a sleepy smile playing across his face. he rolled onto his side, propping his head up with his fist, his other hand reaching out to stroke William's chest through his open shirt.
"Is it as beautiful in space as it looks from here?" William asked.
"Hmm?" Dorrek nuzzled his collarbone, working the rest of the buttons on William's shirt open.
"The stars," William clarified.
"They are beautiful," Dorrek said. "Truly, they are amazing. There is so much..." He sighed, brushing his lips across William's.
"I wish I could see it," William said, one hand lightly brushing the back of Dorrek's neck.
The emperor pulled back a bit, a sudden light coming into his eyes. "I could show you," he said. "Come with me, and I'll show you."
Dorrek got to his feet, pulling William with him. "Come with me! Stay with me," he whispered feverishly. "I'll show you the universe. I'll give you my empire. Just..." He buried his face in William's hair, "... just don't leave me alone," he said.
"It almost sounds like you're proposing to me," William said, finding it hard to breath.
"Maybe I am."
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr had been considering going to bed when someone knocked on his study door. He pulled it open with a wave of his hand, and was mildly surprised to see William standing there. His grandson was looking decidedly rumpled, which came as something of a surprise, given how fastidious the boy usually was with his appearance (at least, when dealing with Erik). He strode in quickly, shutting the door behind him and running a hand through his dark hair, which only served to make it stand up in untidy spikes.
"Grandfather. Um."
Erik pulled his reading glasses down his nose, peering at William over the frames. "Yes?"
"I’ve made a decision."
A few of the aids thought the haste with which they were preparing for departure was unseemly, but Kl’rt sped them along with a few curses and kicks while he kept a careful eye on his Emperor. The hatchling was pacing, throwing the occasional glance towards the palace and muttering under his breath. Kl’rt retrained himself from commenting on the Emperor’s behavior, but only just.
The ship’s captain announced that they would be ready to launch in five minutes when the human arrived, his green bodyguard and baggage in tow.
"I was starting to think you would change your mind."
"Grandfather wouldn’t let me leave without leaving a goodbye note to Mother. Or taking a bodyguard. You remember Victor?"
The green human work a much put upon look that Kl’rt usually found when he looked in the mirror.
"Majesty, three minutes!"
"Yes yes yes. Lets go. I’ve got so much to show you…"