Title: Overgrown Puppy
dorksidefikerFandom: Millennium Snow
Prompt: 10-D/8. Puppy
Character/Pairing: Satsuki, Chiyuki, Toya
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Toya made the best faces.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Satsuki pounced, draping himself across Chiyuki’s shoulders and nuzzling her ear. “Good morning!”
Chiyuki giggled and pushed against Satsuki’s chest gently while Toya glowered at him. “Get off her, you overgrown puppy!” the vampire snapped irritably.
Satsuki tightened his grip on Chiyuki’s shoulders just a little and growled playfully. “Nope, mine,” he announced.
Toya made the best face ever.