That Damn Mpreg: the Big Damn FAQ
Why is it called That Damn Mpreg (TDM)?
I couldn’t be bothered to think of a better title. If I’d known things were going to spiral so out of control, I would have tried harder.
’Spiraled Out of Control’?
I never intended TDM to get this big. It was only supposed to be a few short parts. Then I started throwing out what I initially called the Side Stories. Now I can’t seem to stop writing them.
It’s been a long time since you’ve updated TDM
In all likelihood, I’m waiting for my beta reader to go over what I’ve got typed, or I’m being lazy about typing things up. Possibly both.
Who is (X)?
Check the
Cast List.
How do you keep track of everyone?
I write things down in my notebooks. I have several of them, and this method doesn’t always work.
Are you going to do more with (X)?
Very likely. But bribes of Icons, fanart, and fics have been known to speed the process.
Did House of M/Decimation happen in this universe?
Yes. But the people who survived eventually got their powers back.
Reality doesn’t like to be fucked with on as grand a scale as Wanda was fucking with it. It eventually snapped back.
How did Gert come back from the dead?
She didn’t. I started TDM before she was killed, and decided that in TDM, she never died.
What about Civil War/Messiah CompleX?
Never happened. Disbelieve the illusion.
Will you write (X) and (X) as a couple in TDM and give them kids?
Only id it doesn’t interfere with already made plans/couples.
I’m confused. In your last TDM story, (X) was here, but in this one, (X) is here.
I don’t write TDM in order. I write as the bunnies come. But lucky for you, the
Archive is in order.
You said you were going to do stuff with Luna Maximoff.
And I am. Luna is a member of the Fantastic Four in TDM (this happens after the main story), and is married to Franklin Richards.
Does Hal have any affiliation with Ultron?
Sort of. It’s a little complicated.
Do Hal and Nate ever have children/adopt?
No. They both know how screwed up in they head they are, and they don’t want to inflict that on a child.
What is Nate and Hal’s relationship with the next generation of heroes?
Hal is an Oracle-like figure, dispensing information where it’s needed. Nate is, by the time of the Rip Van Winkle series, head of SWORD.
Does Luna ever find out about Lucian?
Yes, and vice versa.
Are Kate and Eli married?
Yes. But they don’t have any children. The same is true of Julian and Sofia.
Do Victor and Molly ever adopt?
Is Jean Grey alive, and what is the status of the Phoenix Force?
Jean’s dead, and the Phoenix Force is off somewhere where I don’t have to deal with it.
Who’s in the Fantastic Four with Luna?
Valeria, Franklin, and Ben Grimm.
Does Teddy ever meet any of his family?