Title: An Offer He Can’t Refuse
Fandom: New Warriors
Characters: Jono, Jubilee
Prompt: 63. Mischievous
Word Count: 265
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s an offer he can’t possibly turn down.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
“You look like you could be Angelo’s evil English twin.”
Jono forced his eyes upward, only to have them drop back down. “Where in the hell did these come from? Are they real?” He just barely restrained the urge to reach out and squeeze Jubilee’s new, huge… tracts of land.
“Wow. Are you looking to get that new jaw of yours knocked off?” Jubilee asked, pulling up a chair.
“I love the taste of foot. What brings you here, luv?”
Jubilee stretched her arms above her head, causing her new friends to do interesting things. “A stupidly long plane ride and an offer for you.”
Jono scowled. “I’m not going back to the X-Men.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not with them anymore, isn’t it?” Catching Jono’s surprised look, she said, “I lost my powers. This is something else.”
“I’m listening,” the grey skinned man said, “but only because it’s you. I’m not making any promises about anything.”
“Have you been watching the news lately? Have you seen what’s been going on back in the States?”
“The yanks are being stupid. What else is new?” Jono shrugged. “None of my affair.”
“It will be. This thing is spreading, and it’s only a matter of time before ex-mutants start getting rounded up too. What we’re doing is fighting it.”
“I’m listening,” Jono repeated, the twinkle of rebellion glinting in his eyes.