Title: Flying Hairy Slime Monster
fullmetal_cuteRating: G
Summary: Written for the
high_born challenge “Tongue and Cheek”.
For once, Toph noticed the smell before she really felt the vibrations of Zuko’s approach. Of course, there was a lot of smell to notice. As the official ‘new guy’ and probational member, the former prince officially had the duty of cleaning up after and brushing Appa. The sky bison was perfectly happy with this arrangement, as Zuko was his second favorite person at the moment. And everyone else was happy with the arrangement because it meant THEY didn’t have to clean up after Appa’s messes.
“He keeps licking me.” Zuko said.
“Bet he thinks you taste good,” Toph teased, the words coming without any hesitation or second thought. She heard Zuko take a breath as if he were about to say something, then shut his mouth quickly. She grinned. “No response, Sparky?”
“Only one that you’re entirely too young to hear,” Zuko replied, leaving in search of a badly needed hot bath.