Title: Empty Nest
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: JonoxJubilee
Prompt: 100. Worried
Word Count: 153
Rating: PG
Summary: “You worry too much.”
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
“He’s going to be fine. You worry too much.” Jubilee gently dug an elbow into Jono’s side, drawing his attention from the boy racing across the lawn.
I remember what it was like when it was us at Snow Valley, Jono retorted, looking down at his wife.
“That was a long time ago. Things have changed. Besides, Zeke’s not about to pull half the stupid stuff we did… like going on a cross country trip with a teammate and a humanoid duck without telling anyone. He’s a good kid.”
No… he’ll come up with all new stupid stuff. We’re turning him loose on the unsuspecting, luv.
“Drama queen,” Jubilee teased.
Just you wait and see.