Title: Old Movies
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: G
Summary: He got her some old movies for her birthday.
For her birthday, Bobby got his teacher a copy of Dracula, with a bunch of extra documentaries and all the other little toys that came with the new players. He also got her one of the theatrical posters from 1931, just to make sure she wouldn’t stay mad at him when she found out about what he’d done to her kitchen.
Rowena made no secret of the fact that these were her favorite gifts. The poster was framed and hung in her living room, and the movie played constantly for the next month, until it mysteriously disappeared. It was found several months later, hidden behind a bag of kitty litter.
“It’s the only movie my mother and I ever watched together. She was drifting through town when it came out… I remember we had to sit up in the colored section of the theater… I think it’s the longest I ever spent with her at any one time.”
Bobby just smiled and nodded and let the old woman remember.