Title: The Kids
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: G
Summary: Written because I don’t use Eli very much. A little musing about the next generation of Young Avengers.
Eli had to admit, the kids were good. They’d trained a hell of a lot harder for this than Eli and the others had, and it showed. They worked well together, even though Rebecca and Bruce seemed to be engaged in an ongoing feud. They didn’t slip up often, and they could more than make up for any one mistake.
Wally Barton was the glue that held them together. Without him, the team probably would have fallen apart long before. He smoothed over ruffled feathers and broke the tension when things got to be too much. Eli was glad that he’d gotten the archer onto the team. There had been some concern, with his mother being a reporter who specialized in super-heroes, and his father’s on again-off again relationship with the Avengers.
But Wally had more than proven himself time and time again.