Title: Changes
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Jean-Paul Martin/Victor Borkowski
Prompt: 43. Square
Word Count: 219
Rating: PG
Summary: Jean-Paul likes the future.
Author's Notes: Sequel to
Technology. Jean-Paul Martin liked the future. He was always out of place back home, the proverbial square peg who wouldn’t fit the round slot.
Admittedly, he was out of place in the time he now found himself in, but people were very accepting of that. And here, he didn’t have to hide anything.
This would have been very hard in any case, since his future self had written an autobiography. Vic had lent him a copy, and Jean-Paul had read it in under an hour. It was… an education. If he ever got back to his own time, he had quite a few things to do.
To be honest, he wasn’t sure he even wanted to go back. At the moment, he had a lap full of squirming lizard boy making all sorts of fascinating noises, and his time certainly didn’t have one of those. Jean-Paul’s teeth grazed the side of Vic’s throat, making the other boy inhale sharply and shiver. Jean-Paul smirked, biting gently while Vic writhed and gasped, clutching his shirt as and begged Jean-Paul for more.
It seemed like a very good reason to stay to him.