Title: Birthday
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy/Teddy
Prompt: 91. Birthday
Word Count: 167
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Celebrating two years of
That Damn Mpreg!
“We’re not going to be able to get away with having one party for both of them forever,” Billy pointed out, jotting down another thank you note before passing it to Teddy to be stuffed into an envelope and addressed.
“I think we’ve got a few more years before they notice and we have to start worrying,” Teddy replied laconically, picking at some leftover birthday cake. “They’re two.”
Billy held up a complicated looking device, turning it this way and that and wrinkling his nose slightly. “This one’s from your sister.”
“What does it do?” Teddy took the thing and inspected it closely, though he didn’t dare press any of the bright, shiny buttons.
“Probably makes loud noises and eats batteries. That’s what my brothers gave, too.”
Teddy put the present aside. “Think the gruesome twosome would be upset it we hid those?”