Title: Light Show
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Anole/Tag
Prompt: 69. Thunder
Word Count: 171
Rating: PG
Summary: Brian’s got a new distraction.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
The windows rattled and Brian laughed, clapping his hands and turning to Vic. “This is a damn good storm,” he announced.
“You are one weird guy, Brian, you know that?” Vic snorted, and Brian got up, draping himself across Vic’s shoulders.
“You love it,” he accused, nuzzling Vic’s neck. “I’m all weird and you love it.” Vic shivered, tilting his head slightly to the side. Thunder made the windows rattle again, but Brian had found a new entertainment: making Vic squirm. He bit the boy’s throat very gently and was rewarded with a soft whimper. “You loooooove it.”
Vic’s back arched slightly as he leaned back against the chair. “Unfair,” he moaned, reaching back to caress the back of Brian’s head.
“It’s not my fault anyone touching your neck gets you all hot and bothered.” Brian grinned against the green snip. “You make the best noises.”