Title: Father and Son (And Daughter)
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Summary: A little conversation between the Bobbys.
Bobby Lee McIntire looked up and down, then took a few steps backwards, trying to take in the entirety of the painting that dominated the wall of his father’s studio. “You must have really loved him.”
There was a pause as Robert Altman-Kaplan formed a response. “No, not really.” He smiled sadly. “I have intimacy issues.”
“This whole family’s got fucking subscriptions,” Bobby Lee corrected.
“We are about fifty different shades of fucked up,” Robert agreed. “So, what brings you here?”
“Offering my condolences. I hate you, but I liked Mr. Starsmore. He was nice.”
“That’s actually a rather rare trait in empaths. I miss him. Of course, as long as you remember someone, you keep a piece of them with you.” He smiled crookedly at his scowling offspring.
“Rae says ‘Hardy-fucking-har-har.’ Asshole.”