Title: Careful Monitoring
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Karolina/Xavin
Prompt: 25. Growth
Word Count: 122
Rating: PG
Summary: Xavin’s watching things very closely.
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
Xavin pressed an ear to Karolina’s belly and frowned, shifting the construction of her ear until she could clearly hear the hatchling’s heartbeat and movements.
The situation would require careful monitoring. This one was unique, the first Skrull/Majesdane hybrid Xavin had ever heard of. Were Skrull DNA not so incredibly adaptable, it wouldn’t have even been possible, and a million things could easily go wrong, both with the hatchling and Karolina.
“You are feeling no discomfort, beloved?”
“Besides needing to pee all the time and the whole kicking thing? No, I’m fine.”