Title: Come Together
Fandom: Runaways/Young Avengers
Characters: Xavin/Karolina, Billy/Teddy
Prompt: 92. Success
Word Count: 207
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s all coming together.
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
“Congratulations, Xavin, you’ve brought it all together,” Ted said, raising his glass in a little toast.
“You underestimate your hatchling’s contribution,” Xavin chastised teasingly. “This wouldn’t have been possible without him.” The Skrull turned slightly. “How is your mate taking it?”
“He’s worried. You know how he can be.”
Xavin pulled a face, but kept his opinion of Will and how he could be to himself. This was, after all, a time of celebration, and it would be a poor start of things to get into a fight with his son-in-law’s father at the wedding.
“Relax, he’s not going to do anything. You all act like he’s going to explode at any second.”
“Given his habit of doing disturbing things to those he sees as a threat to his offspring…” Xavin trailed off, looking out over the crowd of revelers come to celebrate his daughter’s wedding. “There are so many…”
“Yeah. Big day for everyone. How’s Karolina taking it?”
Xavin smiled a small, dreamy smile. “She is pleased. My beloved is quite taken with her new son-in-law.”
“Jeff’s the good one. I doubt she'd be so enthused about Bobby.”