Title: Young Masters of Evil part One: Arch Enemy
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: The Young Avengers, a couple of people who’s shown up in other places who’s names I shan’t be revealing just yet for the sake of drama, and some OCs.
Prompt: 15. Colors
Word Count: 620
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: First in my Young Masters of Evil series. A big thank you to everyone who helped me in putting this together!
They didn’t call themselves the Young Masters of Evil, but Billy certainly thought of them as such. The most annoying part was that the two teams were evenly matched. Their mage was keeping him too busy to help anyone else, and from the look of things, his help was needed. The girl dodged or outright blocked everything he threw at her, and her own attacks kept him too busy to try anything really powerful or complicated.
A lightning blast bounced off the girl’s raven feather cape, and she laughed mockingly. “Is that the best you can do, Asgardian?” she called, a sickly green glow spreading around her hands as an unnatural wind pulled at them both.
“It’s Wiccan!” Billy shouted back, putting up a shield just in time to deflect the girl’s blast.
“Gods, that just might be worse!”
That made Billy pause. “What?”
The pause very nearly cost him his head. It did cost him a chunk of his cape and probably a few years off his life as he just barely got out of the way. He swore, swatting at the smoldering remains of the already tattered red cloth. While he was doing that, the girl rammed into him, impossibly sharp looking black finger nails raking at his face and drawing blood. “I’ll pluck your eyes out!” she hissed, dark braids whipping about like a pair of snakes.
“You need to adjust your meds,” Billy hissed back as the two grappled in midair.
“Morrigan, we got what we came for! Get us out of here!” one of the young villains, an armor bearing boy whom Cassie had identified as Kristoff, shouted from the ground.
“That is not my name and I’m not done yet!” she screeched back, claws scraping against Billy’s side as he got ahold of her braids and tried to bring his knee up into her nose. She twisted away, raking those deadly looking nails across Billy’s hand to make him let go.
“You can have your catfight later!” the youngest looking of the group gasped as Eli shattered an automaton he had been controlling.
The girl made a disgusted noise and planted a steel toed boot in Billy’s stomach, shoving him away. She turned a too wide smile on the spellcaster. “I’ll be seeing you,” she called out in a sing-song voice as she faded away, leaving behind a Cheshire Cat grin that hung in the air with the sound of a flock of birds.
“What the hell just happened?”
Vision was deeply worried. They hadn’t really won the fight, and under the costumes and masks there had been faces that he knew, sort of.
Faces from the other Vision’s files.
It worried him deeply. Someone could be recruiting potential Avengers for something very sinister indeed. He needed to know why, and how, someone could have access the Protocals. He needed to find the, as Billy and Teddy had taken to calling them, Young Masters of Evil.
He needed to know what had happened.
“Mom would be proud,” Mina told herself as she hung up the cape and leather armor. She smiled bitterly and looked at the blood under her nails before carefully collecting it on a piece of paper for future use.
There was much yet left to do.