Title: It’s Apparent You’re a Parent
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: BillyxTeddy, and a couple of OCs
Prompt: 3. Cry
Word Count: 377
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
“Morning,” Teddy muttered, picking Bobby up and depositing him on Will’s lap. “I’ll talk to her.”
Will grunted as Bobby wrapped himself around his father’s arm. Teddy grinned just a little before hunting down his daughter. She had blockaded herself in Bobby’s room.
“You wanna tell me about this, Princess?”
“Bobby’s a creep.”
“You need to be nicer to your little brothers.”
“Bobby needs to stop being a creep and tearing the heads off my monkey dolls. He said it was an evil monkey!”
“Heya, Princess!” Will said cheerfully, trying to scoop Becca up. She wiggled away, scowling at her father. “What?”
“Only Daddy gets to call me ‘princess’.”
Will’s brow furrowed. He didn't like it, but he had only one counterargument to that. “Kl’rt calls you princess all the time.”
“Yeah, but when he says it, it’s different.”
“Okay, first day of school,” Will said, half to himself and half to his children. “Big day. First day of the rest of your lives.” He looked at both of them. “Daddy’s going to meet out front right after the bell rings. You remember your passwords?”
Becca and Bobby nodded in unison.
“Excellent. Your cell phones are in your backpacks, and all charged up. If something happens, just press the speed dial. Now, what do you do if someone tries to grab you?”
Bobby held up a small, glowing fist, and Becca smiled widely, displaying a set of teeth that was far too sharp and entirely too large.
“Great. Now be good, and have fun.”
“Zoe says her family is going to church for Easter. Are we going to do that?”
“Nope. We’re Jewish. Except for Daddy.”
“Does that mean we’re not going to have chocolate rabbits?” Bobby asked, his brown eyes widening in horror.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have the rabbits.”
“Can we paint the new egg?” Becca asked.
“Paint’s not good for your new little brother or sister.”
“If Becca’s bad, can I have her chocolate rabbit?”
“Daddy, make Bobby stop being a creep!”