Title: Young Masters of Evil part 2: The Importance of Names
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy/Teddy, Vision, and an OC
Prompt: 24. Wine
Word Count: 799
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Part of my Young Masters of Evil series, in which Billy sucks at codenames Vision has a conversation.
“I need a new code name,” Billy sighed, shutting the book in his hands with a loud snap.
“I thought you didn’t hate ‘Wiccan’,” Teddy said teasingly. “What’s wrong now?”
Billy ran a finger over the bandage that covered the gash on his cheek. “I’m starting to think it says the wrong thing about me. First there was that crazy witch hunter guy, and now psycho bird girl…”
“Mina, honey, there’s someone named Jonas here to see you!”
“I’m in the living room. Just send him on in.”
Vision walked through the Upper West Side apartment, noting all the carefully labeled boxes stacking in the hall, clearly being prepared to be moved out some time soon. The rest of the place seemed bare, its former contents obviously now occupying the boxes, which also filled the living room… along with a dark haired girl in a sweatshirt and jeans.
“So… Jonas? What is it you want?” she asked, one hand resting on her hip as her lips turned up in something that tried to be a smile, but was more of a smirk.
[I believe we need to talk about your extracurricular activities, Miss Morgan,] Vision said after checking to make sure that there was nobody listening to them.
“Of course.” The smirk bloomed fully. “I hope this is going to stay a civil conversation… what with all the potential collateral damage.”
[Then you are aware of who I am.]
“Yes. It’s a very nice illusion you’ve got going, looks very real, but you shouldn’t try to bullshit a bullshitter. I’d say we’re not talking until you show me what you really look like, but then the parental unit might spaz.”
“There’s always Man-Witch,” Teddy suggested. Billy snorted, shaking his head and smiling fondly at his boyfriend before letting him know exactly what he thought of that particular name.
“I’d rather walk around wearing a sign that says ‘I heart cock.’”
“Like you don’t?” Teddy asked too-sweetly, stalking around the bedroom in a mock-predatory fashion.
“There’s a time and a place for it.”
“I don’t think Kaplan ever noticed me,” Mina said, a faintly amused smile on her face. “I wonder if he’ll spot me in the halls now.” She dropped into a chair, one of the few remaining pieces of furniture in the apartment. “I was there when he zapped Kesler, and I followed him afterwards. I thought I could help.” She leaned forward, her eyes meeting Vision’s. “I’m on the same list he was, aren’t I. That’s how you found me so quickly.”
Vision nodded slowly, constantly reassessing the situation. It probably would have been much easier if she’d just begun cackling and saying that he’d never be able to stop her. Instead he found himself dealing with a smug, yet earnest, teenager. [The previous Vision believed that you had potential.]
“Iron Kid or whatever didn’t agree,” she said flatly, the smile disappearing from her face as she leaned back in the chair. “He said that he didn’t need two spell casters. Never mind that I have loads more experience using my powers, or that I’m a demi-god.”
“I suck at code names,” Billy insisted again, looking at the notebook he’d tried putting ideas down on.
“You don’t,” Teddy insisted right back.
“I do too.”
“There’s just something about Kaplan that bugs the hell out of me.”
[He doesn’t deserve what you’re doing to him. You need to leave him alone.] Vision assumed a more looming stance as he stood over the girl. [I will not let you hurt him.]
Mina tilted her head to one side. “How would you stop me? Lets ignore that you’re probably operating under some code of honor that forbids killing - if you weren’t, we would have already been fighting instead of just talking, because you wouldn’t give a damn about all the people that would be endangered. I don’t think you can kill me. I’m half Asgardian. I honestly don’t think you’d have the kind of power it would take… and I’m sure as all hell not going to stop going after Kaplan just because you’re glowering at me like that.”
[I can and will find a way to stop you, Morrigan]
“You’re free to try, but I advise you to plan your next move carefully. If you bring other people into this, than so will I.” She made an irritated noise. “Anyway, that’s not my name. That’s the half-educated prince’s idea of being funny. I much prefer Lokispawn.”