Title: Incapable
Fandom: MC2/X-Men
Characters: Jonothon Starsmore, Angelo “Fuck YOU Chuck Austen” Espinosa, Jubilee
Prompt: 49. Happy
Word Count: 198
Rating: PG
Summary: Angelo’s figured it all out.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
“I’ve figured it out. You are biologically incapable of being happy.” Angelo leaned against the doorframe and looked Jono up and down. “You’ve just been giving one of the biggest honors ever, and here you are. Moping.”
Jono inspected the ceiling above him, ignoring Angelo as he sat down on the corner of the bed.
“Sir Jonothon Starsmore.” Angelo grinned. “You’re a filthy English Ka-nigat.”
How long are you going to quote Monty Python at me? Jono asked, sitting up.
“For the rest of my life. What’s wrong?”
She didn’t come. She said she’d be here… hell, Monet showed up… and Jubilee didn’t.
“Aaaah.” Angelo gave Jono a sly, knowing look. “So this moping is about Jubilee and her chronic inability to keep a date. Man, you and women…”
Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Jono flopped back on the bed, giving Angelo a dirty look and a half hearted kick.
“I’m being oppressed!” Angelo yelped, dodging.