Title: Weighty
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Summary: It was poor planning on their part.
“Bloody hell, Doug, you need to eat way less,” Zeke grunted. “Or get off my shoulders before you snap them.”
“Shhh!” Ambrose hissed. “She’ll hear us.”
“Nobody comes here,” Doug insisted calmly, flipping a sky blue dreadlock over his shoulder. “We’re fine.”
“Anyone ever tell you how dumb it is to try and hide from a telepath?” Angel smirked, looking down at the three boys.
“Bugger me sideways.”
“I think I’ll pass on that, little brother. Give me the camera.”
“Or what?” Doug asked.
There was a long moment of silence.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” Angel asked. “With you lot down there, and me up here? And the one on top not the big strong werewolf guy?”
“Angel, they made me help, I had nothing else to do with this, I swear!”
“Shut up, Ambrose!” Zeke hissed.
“Doug. Give me the camera.”
“Zeke, can’t you calm her down or something?”
“My powers don’t work on her.”
“We are so boned,” Ambrose announced mournfully.