Title: Begging
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Prompt: 30-B/16. Plead
Character/Pairing: Tommy/Megan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 107
Summary: Megan knows how to get Tommy to beg.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. All
crazedwolf's fault
“God, Meg, you’re killing me here,” Tommy groaned, pressing his lips to the hollow of Megan’s throat. “Please, baby...”
“Mmm...” She squirmed on his lap, her fingers ghosting across his fly before sliding up to run through his hair. “No.”
“You want me to beg, Meg?” He worried Megan’s ear with his teeth, making her gasp. “Is that what you’re after?”
Megan grinned, just a little bit. “You’re so cute when you do.”