Title: Rejection
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Prompt: 30-B/3. Dismissed
Character/Pairing: Tommy/Megan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 127
Summary: Tommy’s not really sorry that it happened.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. This continues to be
crazedwolf’s fault.
“I’m sorry Dr. Strange decided not to keep you as an apprentice,” Tommy lied, nuzzling Megan’s neck. “Really.”
Megan wiggled and pouted, despite Tommy’s continued efforts. “Who’s gonna teach me if he won’t? I don’t know any wizards other than Billy.”
“And what he knows about magic could fill a matchbook,” Tommy told her. “He turned Jonas into a toad last week.”
“A robo-toad?” Megan asked, giggling as she pictured it, and Tommy bit her ear gently.
“He was all shiny and stuff,” Tommy confirmed.