Title: Young Masters of Evil part Three: Dark Cloud
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy/Teddy, Jessie Vale, OFM
Prompt: 55. Storm
Word Count: 293
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: The universe seems to be out to get Billy Kaplan. Or possibly just a demi-goddess. Part of my Young Masters of Evil series.
“You’re messing with Wiccan again,” Jessie said, looking from Mina to the cauldron.
“Gee, babe, did your precognition tell you that?” Mina asked sarcastically, stirring the cauldron with a long handled spoon. “Tell Kristoff that I’ll be out when I’m done, and not before. Good results take time.”
“‘Good’?” the former mutant asked with a snort.
Mina arched and eyebrow at the brunette and smirked. “So, the next time, you want me to just let the reality warper run unopposed? Righty-oh.” She stirred the cauldron once more, then tapped the spoon on the rim to dislodge the foul smelling goo. “Haven’t you ever heard of psychological warfare?”
“What is it with you and this guy?” Jessie asked, reeling back as she got a whiff of the goo.
“He just bugs me.”
“It’s like the universe it out to get me,” Billy said over the running water before he stuck his head under the spray. “Gaaah, cold!” He jumped back, spraying cold water across the bathroom and hitting Teddy with it. “Please tell me the bird crap is gone.”
Teddy looked Billy’s hair over and shook his head. “Erm, no. Sorry.”
Billy swore and stuck his head back under the icy spray. “It’s just been one thing after another. Did you see my bike? My backpack? And now this damn bird.” He grabbed a towel and scrubbed. “And why did the water go all cold?”
“Probably just a little bad luck.” Teddy kissed Billy’s forehead. “Tomorrow will be better.”