Title: Traumatizing the Kids
dorksidefiker /
fullmetal_cutePairing: Billy/Teddy
Fandom: Young Avengers
Theme: 6. Photograph; memory
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Set in my That Damn MPreg universe
Becca shoved the shoebox across the table to her parents, a look of mingled disgust and horror on her face. It was mirrored on the faces of two of her brothers, with Nate notably absent as he often was on Cleaning Day. "That," she said, having been elected spokesperson for the group, "was way more than I ever wanted to know about you two."
Ted peeked in the box. "oh."
Will reached out and smacked Ted upside the head. "You told me you got rid of those."
"I thought I did." Ted pointed out. "Boy does that bring back memories."
A chorus of 'eeeew's greeted that statement.
"Did someone call a family meeting without telling me? What'd I do? What's this?" Nate said as he waltzed into the kitchen and snatched up the box. He dropped it almost immediately, but not before getting an eyeful. "Oh gross!"
"It looks like we've successfully traumatized our children," Ted murmured.
"We? Whatchyu mean 'we', kemosabe? You're the one who wanted those pictures."