Title: A Shower
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Characters: Victor Borkowski
Prompt: 78. Refreshed
Word Count: 252
Rating: PG
Summary: He hated to admit it, but he DID feel better after the shower.
Author's Notes: A
Building a House Epilogue.
As much as he was loath to admit it, Victor felt much better after getting a shower. Unfortunately, he was still on a space ship a billion miles from home with belonging to a Skrull who was planning God only knew what. Said Skrull - who’s name Victor couldn’t even hope to pronounce despite all his time living in the Empire, since it seemed to consist mostly of clicks and whistles - was waiting for him when he finally emerged holding a bundle of clothes.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t grateful for the rescue from the Kree raiding party, but...
“So, now what?” Victor asked warily, wondering if now would be a good time to try kicking this guy’s teeth in and making a break for it.
The Skrull thrusts the bundle of clothes at Victor. “My lord de- requests that you be wearing this when we arrive at the flagship. You are to rest yourself in the meantime. Food will be made available to you shortly.”
The look on the Skrull’s face made it clear that this was not so much a request as an attempt to politely phrase the order. Victor unfolded the outfit carefully.
The first word that came to mind to describe it was ‘filmy’, followed by ‘see-through’ and ‘sparkly’.