Title: Suburban Pet Rescue Squad
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy, Teddy
Prompt: 14. Life
Word Count: 184
Rating: G
Summary: Teddy’s been recruited for his first bit of super-heroics.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: I am, as you all know, easily bribed. Written because of
ramalama14, who does
pretty art. Sequel to
Play Date.
“So why don’t you live at the mansion all the time?” Teddy asked, gripping the undercarriage of the car as Billy peered into the darkness beneath.
“Mom and Dad like to play at being normal,” Billy explained, rolling his eyes at the foolishness of his parents. “They think this is a better environment for us or something. Ready?”
Teddy checked his grip and nodded. With a grunt, he pushed the car up, and Billy darted beneath, pulling out the Golden Retriever puppy that had taken refuge under the car after being chased there by a pack of squirrels. “C’mere, Sasha.”
Once Billy was clear, the puppy held tightly against him, Teddy dropped car. Both boys winced as the tires popped upon sudden reintroduction to the ground.