Title: Seeds of Revolution
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy/Teddy
Prompt: 38. Seed
Word Count: 197
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Everything’s connected. Sequel to The Biggest Problem, and a
Building a House epilogue.
“This is bad,” Dorrek admitted, resting his chin on top of William’s head. “This is not only the stealing of your vassal, but an embarrassment to me, and a sign of weakness.” He scowled. “Those who would seize power will see this as a sign that I cannot protect those who look to me.”
“He’s my friend, Dorrek.” William pulled back. “And he’s not your responsibility. Or at least, he shouldn’t be.” He gave the emperor a not-smile. “But I get the feeling that your people don’t take me very seriously.”
Dorrek sighed, touching William’s cheek gently. “They do not know you like I do.”
William’s eyes narrowed slightly and he raised his chin. “Maybe it’s time they did. I’m going to get Victor back from... whatever his name is. Don’t tell me, it doesn’t matter. I can’t pronounce it anyway.”
The emperor pursed his lips. “What are you going to do?” he asked.
“Get my friend back and prevent a revolution, hopefully.”