Title: Snow Valley
fullmetal_cuteRating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Characters/Pairings: Angelo “Fuck you Chuck Austen!” Espinosa
Table/Prompt: Table 1/15. Winter
Word Count: 130
Summary: Angelo isn’t to impressed with all this cold stuff.
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
Angelo didn’t like Snow Valley in the winter, when it really lived up to its name. He could have happily gone his whole life without seeing snow up close and personal. Until he’d come to the middle of White Man’s Land, he’d never been any closer to the stuff than a TV screen.
Monet snidely commented that Angelo kept himself so bundled up during the winter that he could have been easily mistaken for Jono. Angelo did his best to ignore her while he longingly waited for spring to come.