Title: Three Little Words
fullmetal_cuteRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters/Pairings: Julian/Victor
Table/Prompt: Table 3/7. Love
Word Count: 230
Summary: Julian’s fine the way things are, but Victor wants something more.
Warnings/Spoilers: Slash.
Victor pulled both of his legs up and planted then in the middle of Julian’s chest, giving the black haired boy a carefully calculated shove. Enough force to get Julian off him, but not enough to actually hurt him. “No.”
“No?” Julian looked at Victor with a puzzled expression. “Wait, what?”
Victor sat up, pulling his shirt back down. “I’m not someone you can just pounce on every time you wanna get off, Julian.”
Julian raked his hands through his hair and watched Victor get out of the bed, still rearranging his clothes. “What brought this on?” he asked.
“I want a real relationship with someone who loves me, instead of someone who fucks me whenever he feels like it.”
“Ah hell. Vic, we agreed that this was just a sex thing. Friends with benefits or whatever, remember?” Julian scrambled out of the bed, following Victor.
“Yeah, and now I’m ready for more, from someone else.” Victor reached for the door handle and caught Julian’s woebegone look at his erection. “I’m sure you’ll find someone else who’ll sleep with you while you wait for Sofia,” he added, shutting the door behind him.