Title: The Time Bobby Slept with Gunther
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He really had no idea what he was getting in to.
Gunther stretched slowly, delighting in the bit of post coital movement. “You’re going?” he yawned, watching the pretty blonde shimmy back into her pants. “So soon?”
“I don’t think you’d find me nearly so pleasant company in the morning, she said with a soft laugh, tossing her hair. “So I’ll be on my way.”
“Not without your shirt,” Gunther growled, snatching the bit of cotton away. “You’ll stay.”
“Shan’t,” she said with a sniff and a snap of her fingers, leaving Gunther suddenly alone, the smell of the woman lingering on his sheets.
“God, Bobby, put those away!” Becca howled, covering her eyes with her hand.
Bobby looked at Becca, then down at his - or more accurately, her -- chest. She rocked back and forth on her heels, watching the flesh jiggle. “I never realized how much fun these things are,” the reality warper said, cupping her new breasts. “I should become a girl more often.”
“Stop that. Where’d your shirt go?” Becca asked, looking everywhere but at her brother.
“Gunther Thorson has it,” Bobby said proudly, still fondling her breasts. “You know, these could be bigger.”
Becca went completely still. “How,” she asked quietly, in her ‘I’m trying to be calm and reasonable, but you’re not helping’ voice, “did Gunther Thorson - your arch enemy, get your shirt?”
Bobby smirked. “You know, I kinda wish I could shape shift like you do, cause that would make this so much easier. God, the things you and Wally must get up to…”
“We are not having this conversation, Robert Stephan.”