Title: Boy Toy
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Kate/Tommy
Prompt: 19. Toy
Word Count: 161
Rating: PG
Summary: In which there is some discussion about what Tommy can call Kate.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Tommy didn’t so much lean against the door jam as pose there, using something he’s seen in an Abercrombie and Fitch ad. “Your boy toy has arrived!” He turned what he considered to be his most charming smile on Kate.
“You start calling me Sugar Mama again and I’ll go right for the knee caps,” the raven haired archer warned, waving a pencil in Tommy’s general direction. “I mean it.”
“Are we going out or not?” Tommy asked, moving restlessly around the room as he noted that Kate was wearing a set of well used sweats instead of more date-type clothes.
“We’re going as soon as I finish with this,” she replied. “I just restocked the Lair’s fridge, so you can grab yourself a snack while you wait.”