Title: Young Masters of Evil part 5: Know Thy Enemy
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: The Young Avengers, and The Young Masters of Evil
Prompt: 33. Investigate
Word Count: 658
Rating: PG
Summary: In which names are discussed, and Vision keeps a few things to himself.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Part of my
Young Masters of Evil. [This is what he know,] Vision said. [Our... Young Masters of Evil...]
“We need a better name for them,” Kate said, twirling a pencil around her fingers. “I can’t call them that with a straight face.”
“I like ‘Young Masters of Evil’, Mina said. “Gives us a sense of history, you know? Paul, weren’t you a Master of Evil?”
“Me, personally, or the me who made me?”
[The boy we have heard referred to as ‘Fix-It’ bears a considerable resemblance, operation wise, to Paul Embersol, also known as The Fixer. I’m not sure if he’s a previously unknown child of Fixer, or just a fan boy. My best guess, he’s somewhere between 10 and 13 years old.] Vision pinned the picture up, followed by one of a teenage girl in a ripped up jacket bearing the Xavier school logo.
[This one has been identified as Jessica Vale. A former student of the Xavier Institute, she was-]
“Was?” Billy asked, raising his hand.
[Miss Vale apparently lost her powers after M-Day. Before then, she was a precog. She’s listed as a missing person, after apparently running away from home. In battle with us, she’s exhibited a range of powers, and I believe she is using MGH. Eli, I hate to ask...]
Eli clasped his hands together on the table and leaned forward, his lips pressed into a thin line. “I’ll see what I can find,” he said flatly.
“Where’s Jessie?” Ricky asked, pacing the room. “She should have been back by now.”
“Perhaps you should have gone with her, if you’re so worried,” Kristoff growled, his irritation rising almost visibly.
[This person,] Vision went on, [appears to be Kristoff Vernard, last seen in the company of Nathaniel Richards. However, he does not recall things that Kristoff should,] he nodded to Cassie, who dripped her eyes and bit her lower lip, [so it could be that we are dealing with one from an alternate reality, or one who has had his memory wiped.] He pinned the picture up. [He’s sporting an armor that seems to be based off Dr. Doom’s. I’ve made a list of the armor’s known capabilities and given you each a copy.]
“Are we gonna have a test on this, Teach?” Tommy asked, flipping through the thick booklet at super-speed. “Cause I forgot my homework.”
[Cute, Tommy.]
“Of course I am.”
[Moving along, this is Ricky Calusky, also known as Excavator. His only known appearance before this was when he and the rest of the Wrecking Crew were taken down by our friends in LA. Before that, he has a have a string of petty thefts and vandalisms. I’m still waiting to hear back from Chase about what he can tell us.]
“Tak, please turn that down,” Jessie moaned as she ducked into the lair. “I’ve got a headache. I never want to do telepathy ever again.”
[That brings us to the two most mysterious members of our Young Masters of Evil - if anyone has a better name for them, feel free to speak up - TackNuke and the Morrigan. TackNuke’s English seems to be fairly limited, and he is likely of Chinese origin. His powers seem to be energy based, and bear a resemblance to those of Radioactive Man, though he does not seem to require a containment suit... yet. I’m still researching his possible origins. Morrigan’s powers are clearly magic based-]
“And she’s got a serious hate on for me,” Billy interjected.
[I believe she may be a demi-god, and am searching for clues as to her origins and possible weaknesses.]