My Hero

Aug 12, 2008 11:20

Title: My Hero
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Cassie/Vision
Prompt: 1. Love
Word Count: 188
Rating: PG
Summary: Love is stealing your teammate’s CD for the sake of your girlfriend’s sanity.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Written for lovessacrifice.

“If Tommy plays Coin Operated Boy one more time, I’m going to step on him,” Cassie sighed, following Jonas down into the subway tunnel.

[The problem has already been taken care of.]

There was something in the android’s tone that made Cassie pause to look at him as he pushed through the turnstile. He caught the look and smiled sweetly, turning around. He deftly produced the CD like a conjurer pulling a coin from behind the ear of a child.

“You didn’t.”

Jonas continued to smile as they moved through the dingy station. [I actually like the rest of the album, but I agree, there are only so many times I can listen to that particular song.]

Cassie grunted, taking the CD from Jonas and dropping it into the nearest garbage can. “My hero,” she said with a little smile of her own.

Jonas sketched a bow.

vision, marvel, stature, young avengers

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