Title: Young Masters of Evil part 10: Who Do You Trust?
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: The Young Avengers, naturally.
Prompt: 6. Trust
Word Count: 348
Rating: PG
Summary: Billy now knows that one of his teammates knows who the Morrigan is.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Part of my Young Masters of Evil series.
“Someone knows who she is,” Billy said, looking around the table at his teammates.
“Or she lied to you to fuck with your head.” Tommy didn’t even bother to look up from the Rubix Cube he was fiddling with, the colored squares moving around at super-speed. “That’s what she’s been doing, right? Like how she made you see us as talking animals for an hour last time we went up against them.”
“Planting doubts does seem like the kind of thing she’d do,” Eli agreed reluctantly. “Next thing you know, she’ll be throwing golden apples at us.”
“So, what’s her name?” Kate asked. The question was met with a blank look from Billy. “You didn’t find out who she really is?”
“I was kind of busy at the time.”
[With Billy’s new information,] Vision said slowly, [I believe I have narrowed down the candidates to one Wilhelmina Morgan.] He looked up, eyes glowing faintly. [The picture in the school database matches her appearance.]
“Well, now we know who she is, and I bet Jonas now has where she lives in that processor of his,” Tommy said. “Lets go kick her ass.”
[That would be inadvisable,] Vision pointed out firmly. [She knows who Billy is, and possibly where he lives. If we go after her without careful consideration and planning, she could go after his family. And she has demonstrated previously that she is perfectly willing to use innocent bystanders against us.]
Billy buried his face in his hands and swore quietly while Teddy put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“So, what do we do?” Cassie finally asked.
“Well, I say we let Wilhelmina lead us right to her buddies,” Eli suggested. “Cause I for one am sick to death of those stake outs.”