Title: Where Will You Go
fullmetal_cuteRating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing, except for Jassayn.
Characters/Pairings: Victor/OMC, Karolina/Xavin
Table/Prompt: Table 3/2. Danger
Word Count: 298
Summary: So, where will they go from here?
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Author's Notes: The finale of my
Refugee series.
“Where are you going to go?” Victor asked as he watched the youngest of Karolina’s friends latch on to the alien girl as if she were never going to let go.
Jassayn turned away from the blatantly heart warming reunion. “I do not know.” He smiled bitterly at Victor. “I am now no more welcome amongst my people than the ill-omened one and the Skrull.” He glanced back at Karolina and the other kids from Los Angeles. “They will look for me now, and when they find me, they will kill me.”
“Sorry you helped them?” Victor walked with Jassayn, moving away from the happy group. He knew that he had no more place at the reunion than the Majesdane boy did.
“I will miss my people. But... I am tired of fighting. This is not a world for old battles.”
“Sounds good,” Victor told him with a small smile that Jassayn completely missed, as he was looking up at the sky.
“I still want nothing to do with the Skrull or his woman,” Jassayn added.
“The school’s this way,” Victor pointed out, taking the lead.
Jassayn tilted his head slightly, his expression turning hopeful. “Am I welcome there?” he asked.
“You wouldn’t be the first alien to call it home. There’s plenty of room,” Victor added. “If you want to stay, I mean.”
“That sounds nice.” Jassayn admitted, reaching for Victor’s hand. The mutant didn’t pull away.
The End