Title: Arm Twisting
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Eli, Billy, Kate
Prompt: 8. Promise
Word Count: 153
Rating: PG
Summary: Eli’s being blackmailed into something by his loving family.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Eli looked particularly disgruntled as he pulled an autograph book out from his backpack, putting it in the middle of the table. “Grandma told my mom about the superhero thing,” he said. “My little sister found out.” He scowled, unaware that his scowl was starting to loose his impact with his friends, since they’d all seen it many times. “So I’m under orders to get everyone to sign this so she can add it to her collection.”
“That’s nice of you,” Billy said, picking up the book and signing it with a little flourish before passing it on to Kate, who was failing to hide her grin.
“I’d never hear the end of it if I didn’t do this,” Eli grumbled.