Title: Not How
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Jono/Jubilee/Angelo “Fuck You Chuck Austen” Espinosa
Prompt: 88. Shocked
Word Count: 228
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This isn’t how Jono wanted Jubilee to find out about it. If it weren’t for the fact that his son is a hopeless gossip, she never would have.
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
That... isn’t how I wanted you to find out, Jono said, apparently paying more attention to his still sodden leather jacket than to Jubilee. Sod all, I’ll wring that bastard’s scrawny neck.
“And you wanted me to find out... how?” Jubilee asked, her normally mobile face oddly expressionless.
Didn’t want you to find out at all, he admitted. Never thought it would come up.
“That you slept with Angelo?”
A very long time ago, love. Back in the Generation X days. And I can’t believe Zeke felt the need to tell you. He resisted the urge to peek into her mind and find out how she really felt about the whole thing. He wasn’t going to make things worse by poking around in her head.
“He’s a little traumatized.”
He’s traumatized? All that boy’s sprung on us over the years, and he’s traumatized? Feh.