Title: Children
dorksidefikerFandom: New X-Men
Prompt: 50-B/47. Writer’s Choice
Character/Pairing: Kevin/Cessily
Rating: PG
Word Count: 172
Summary: Kevin keeps his children at arm’s length because he has to.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Written for the
New X-Men Prompt Meme. Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
Kevin Ford wasn’t sure how he managed to produce a pair of bombastic, insanely cheerful children. Sean and Eric were lively and funny and outgoing and absolutely nothing like Kevin. They were a little bit like Cessily, but not much. Cessily was pretty shy, when you got right down to it.
Maybe it was some form of rebellion?
Rose was more like him. Quiet, moody, prone to dark moods that seemed to last for days. She was also the most passionately artistic, taking to the things Kevin loved to do like a duck to water. Teaching his daughter brought him closer to her than he would otherwise ever get to any of them.