Title: Badly Needed
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Chase, Nico, Victor
Prompt: 16. Bath
Word Count: 107
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s gotten so bad that even Chase agrees.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“Nobody,” Chase said, “is going back into the ‘frog until we’ve all de-stinked ourselves.”
Nico nodded in agreement, wrinkling her nose and pulling her shirt away from her body. “Motion seconded and passed. Who’s staying to watch the Leapfrog?” she asked.
“I got it,” Victor volunteered, taking a seat on one of the Leapfrog’s feet. “Got some stuff I wanna check out anyway.”
“Just don’t mind meld with the ‘frog, okay?” Chase asked, watching the transport warily.