Title: A Little Crush
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Kate, Billy. Mentions one sided Wiccan/Iron Lad.
Prompt: 34. Confide
Word Count: 126
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s just a little crush.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“I had the worst crush on Iron Lad right after I met him,” Billy admitted to Kate after a great deal of chattering and far too much coffee. The girl responded by nearly spilling her drink as she laughed. “What? He was cute, and nice, and funny.”
“Funny?” Kate asked.
“Well, I knew him better than you did. He had a great sense of humor.”
“Did he know?” She asked.
Billy blushed slightly. “God, I hope not. If he did, he never said anything.”
“Does Teddy?”
Billy shook his head. “Never came up.”