Title: Henrys
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Summary: Most of the green haired people Nate knows are named Henry.
It said something about Nate’s life that all of the Henrys he knew had green hair. Unfortunately, the one he really wanted to see was stuck on Earth (having been forbidden from coming to the Viewpoint since the AI found him entirely too interesting), and he was being forced to baby sit the other one.
“I’m bored.”
“So read a book,” Nate said, reminding himself that pulling the fillings from the boss’s kids’s mouth was a bad idea.
“Read all the books I have. Mom said you’re supposed to entertain me.”
“It’s a sign of true intelligence that a person can entertain themselves. Lots of smart people say so.”
“You made that up. Anyway, the last time I tried to entertain myself, my hair got all tangled up in the life support system. It took hours for them to cut me out.”
“Ah, good times.”
Henry muttered something decidedly uncomplimentary in Skrullos, and Nate swiveled his chair around to face the boy. “Just because I don’t speak Skrullos very well doesn’t mean that I don’t understand it. Call me that again, and you’ll be playing in an airlock, Hydra Hair’s son or not.”