Title: Roast Beast
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Zuko
Prompt: 20. Dinner
Word Count: 141
Rating: PG
Summary: Zuko’s going hunting, and not finding much success.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Set before The Boiling Rock
A man could take only so much cold soup (and the food he got from Katara was almost always cold) and disdain. Sure, he could (and did) heat up the soup himself, but tonight he was going to catch and roast his own dinner.
Unfortunately, the first part of the plan was proving more difficult than he had originally thought it would.
It wasn’t that he was an incompetent hunter. It was that Sokka had caught the easier to find prey, and that had scared off most everything else. Except for the badgertoads. But the thought of eating badgertoad made Zuko feel faintly ill.