Title: Grey Eyed Girl
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Summary: Wally likes Becca just the way she is.
“So? What do you think?” Becca asked, turning her head so Wally could get the full effect of the new hair style. The long, very straight red hair swung like a curtain. Wally took a lock of her hair between his fingers, rubbing the fine strands with his thumb.
“I kinda liked the pixie cut,” he said, kissing the tip of Becca’s nose. “It was cute.”
“I’m getting a little bit old for ‘cute’,” she replied.
“You’ll always be cute.” He ran his hands through Becca’s already darkening hair. “My cute grey eyed girl.”
Becca smiled shyly, leaning into Wally’s touch. “Well, maybe I can live with being cute a little longer.” Her hair got shorter as she spoke, until it was back at chin length.
“Keep the freckles,” Wally suggested.
“Wanna see how far they go?”