Title: Funerals
fullmetal_cuteRating: PG
Disclaimer: I own not a damn thing.
Characters/Pairings: Victor, Alani
Table/Prompt: Table 3/15. Death
Word Count: 134
Summary: Victor is sick to death of funerals.
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
“You’re not dressed,” Alani noted as Victor sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. She ran her hands down her black dress, then folded her pendant.
“I’m not going,” Victor said, flipping through the channels. “I’m sick of funerals.” He looked at Alani from out of the corner of his eye. “Tell the others I said, ‘Hi’.”
“Come say hi for yourself,” Alani said insistently.
“I’m staying here.” Victor continued to channel surf. “Megan’s skipping the funeral too. We’re gonna hang out and watch Torchwood.”