Title: A Gift
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Teddy Altman, Kl’rt
Prompt: 37. Present
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Summary: Kl’rt’s worked out a method of getting a little Skrull culture into the lives of the Altman-Kaplans.
Disclaimer: I own very little.
Notes: Set in my
That Damn Mpreg universe.
Kl’rt put the bracelet on the table between him and Ted, the gems glowing faintly. “I know that should I try to give this to the Princess directly, your mate will never allow her to have it.”
Ted didn’t even bother to argue. He knew Kl’rt was right in his assessment of Will, and he knew that Will had excellent reasons for his wariness. He had long since given up trying to defend on to the other. “I’m going to have to have it checked out before I give it to her.” He studied the bracelet, poking it with a finger.
“It is a traditional gift for a girl of her age.”
“Bobby’s birthday is coming up too,” Ted pointed out dryly.
Kl’rt nodded. “Somehow, I do not think either you or your mate would allow me to take your son on a X’lthbach hunt,” he mused.