Title: Live Big Sister
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Summary: Lucian gets a visit from his sister in the aftermath of the Demon War.
Luna Richards was sitting in Lucian’s uncle’s living room, watching the younger man closely for some sign of injury as he walked in. “You okay?”
Lucian thought the question over as he sat down. “I’ve lost a teammate. I’ve lost friends. I’ve lost a brother-in-law,” he said, ticking off on his fingers.
“Is Raia still with her family?” Luna asked as her younger brother closed his eyes.
“With everyone at the mansion, actually.” He ran his hands over his carefully gelled hair. “I thought one of us should come back and keep and eye on Lillian. So she knows that her parents are okay.” He slowly let out a breath. “I had to get out of there,” he admitted softly.
Luna reached out a hand, hesitating before touching Lucian’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“You’re pretty easy to talk to,” he said. “Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Maybe once or twice. You gonna get all weird if I hug you?”
“Now you’re starting to sound like Raia.” Lucian clasped his hands in front of his face and looking at his sister over his fingers. “That is not a good thing, you know.”
Luna grinned. “You’re my little brother. I should be able to hug you if I want. I ever tell you I always wanted a little brother when I was a kid? I mean, I sort of had the little cousins, but it’s not the same.”
“You only tell me that every time you see me. You wanna see Lillian before you go?” he asked.