Title: A Little Housecleaning
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Amadeus Cho
Prompt: 18. File
Word Count: 173
Rating: PG
Summary: Amadeus makes Victor an offer.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Cross posted like crazy.
My Table Amadeus Cho swiveled his chair around to face Victor Borkowski, Kirby curled up in his lap like a Bond Villain’s cat. The young genius looked particularly pleased with himself as he turned the screen so that Victor could see it. “That,” he drawled, “is the sum total knowledge SHIELD has of the X-Men.”
“Okay,” Victor said, holding his hands up in the universal gesture of surrender, “you’ve impressed me.”
Amadeus sucked his teeth and looked at Kirby before looking at victor through his eyelashes. “Say the word and those files go the way of the dinosaur.”
Victor blinked, processing what the boy had said. “What?”
“I can delete them. Make it that much harder for SHIELD to ever mess with you guys again. What do you say?”
Victor thought about it. “What’s the catch?”
Amadeus laughed. “Dinner with me.”